Insulation Coordination Study Using Simulative Platform

by | Dec 14, 2021 | TECT | 0 comments

Insulation Coordination Study Using Simulation Platforms

T . E . C . T Tackling Electrical Concerns of Today

Written By : Mr. Sonjib Banerjee

Edited By : Dr. Diksha Rohra

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high voltage transformer

With the expansion of power networks in today’s world, electrical systems are exposed to many transient overvoltage conditions due to lightning strikes, electrical fault, solar flare, geomagnetic storms, or abrupt switching conditions. Below is a case study where an insulation coordination study was performed to validate surge arresters behavior so that the electrical systems remain stable during such transient overvoltage conditions.


Problem Statement 

A 115 kV air-insulated substation (AIS) is fed from the gas plant through a 115 kV underground cable for approximately 2.5 km. This AIS also has a 115 kV overhead double circuit line for about 7.5kms.
An insulation coordination study was performed using the best suitable simulation platform to validate the adequacy and placement of surge arresters.



Insulation coordination is the critical part of the design of high voltage substations. Before the energization of the high voltage substations, the insulation design of the substation is verified to ensure that the transient overvoltages (TOV) do not damage expensive equipment and the protective devices. This study is performed using the Finite Element Method (FEM) enabled simulative platforms.


Such a study enables appropriate placement and sizing of surge arrester, limiting overvoltage to a value that is not dangerous for the electrical installations and switch gears.

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